I miss 3 Mawar!
Wellll, im so free today that i read alot of this year form 3's student blog,,, (yeah i know you will say that im silly).. sooo their main and major complaint PMR! Teacher! Homework! Discipline! Waking Up early! and many more ~weird stuff~ .... Haha.. actually we suffered the same thing as last year. every teacher teaches the same thing and every students passes through the same thing. but when you reach form 4 ,, you will seriously miss form 3. u will miss the teachers saying PMR! PMR! PMR! PMR! and PMR!... like now,, i seriously wish i could go back to form 3 and sit back at my old place and see the sameold teachers! ( i miss alot of them )!! i miss pmr. i love the feeling of waiting for PMR! i miss COPYING homework[esp maths almost EVERYDAY] from miss kerk, ( WELL,, YOU'LL WILL THINK THAT IM VERY CRAZY RITE) well,,, what has passed will not return, we are all up in Higher Secondary, so theres no way back to Lower kan?
So for this year PMR students,, take it easy,, PMR is just an exam. just treat it as normal school exam,, bt this type is more formal only...
and for the form 4's take a short break for a moment.....
Best Lucks Ahead!